
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Increasing Email Marketing ROI – Deliverability and Behavioral Targeting Tricks and Tips

Email-marketing-ROI-return-of-investmentsHey Guys,

Hope you’re doing great! We all know that email marketing is highly profitable kind of marketing, and statistically each dollar spent on email marketing campaign returns as $40. Sure, some email marketers have better ROI, some not, but there is one thing that is 100% true – you can always do better and have better return of investments. I would like to provide you with email marketing deliverability and behavioral targeting tricks and tips. Please enjoy!

Deliverability. Recent studies and statistics show that ~20% of email marketing messages never reach recipient’s inbox. Here are some tricks and tips to boost your deliverability up:

Reduce complaints with relevant content, interest-polls, list splitting by interests and 1-click unsubscribe option.Avoid using spam-alarm words. Sure it’s not the only filter used these days by ESPs, but it’s still actual.Set up control-accounts – these are email accounts created in each and every popular ESP. Include these accounts into your recipient list, this is how you can check the deliverability to certain email providers.Use trusted and not-blacklisted SMTP server for your outgoing mailings.Make sure your from-name fits your from-address.

Behavioral targeting. Trigger emails are popular nowadays because they really work. Set up triggered emails based on customer and email subscriber behavior:

Recommend additional  products and services based on past purchases.Ask for a feedback, run email contests and polls.Send loyalty messages and offers to subscribers who most frequently open your messages.Don’t forget about the Thank-you emails and cross-sale products.Provide customer with a special offer or a discount if you notice he checks your products but don’t proceed to a purchase.

View the original article here


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